viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

El Canto del Loco

We ‘re choose “El Canto del Loco” it’s a famous pop rock group in Spain and All of us like their music. The group consists of four musicians.
Dani Martin who is the singer and the guitarist. David Otero who is the guitarist, Chema Ruiz who is the bass player. And Carlos Gamón who is the drummer.
In 2000 they published their first album whose name is El Canto Del Loco.
We think they are an original group and their music is different from other pop rock groups. Their songs talk about society ans love. One of the most important songs are “Volverà”, “Zapatillas”, “Eres Tonto”...They have collection of some old songs, like “Devuelme a mi chica” by Hombres G, “La Chica de ayer” by Nacha Pop

1 comentario:

carmina dijo...

Good Nando, there are some mistakes which you could correct as long as you checked them from your paper.
You deserve a B-